Friday, July 08, 2005

Casual Fridays

How much do I LOVE casual Fridays?!! Some people feel that productivity goes down when employees are dressed in more... shall we say, casual wear. But let's face it -- productivity goes down on Fridays no matter what we're wearing. It's FRIDAY. There's a weekend coming. We're too excited to work anyway, so we might as well be comfortable!

There's a feeling you get from wearing a soft pair of jeans that you just don't get from slacks or a skirt. And come on, who can ever skip up or down a flight of stairs in prim-and-proper, girlie dress shoes? You need sneakers for that! Well-fitting, shock-absorbing, foot-springing sneakers. What's that you say? Sneakers aren't fashionable enough to wear to work? I beg to differ, my friend. If you've got the personality to get away with it, sneakers merely add to your charm. They give you spunk and pizzazz. (Who coined the word, "pizzazz"? Must be somebody fun.) Make you a girl-next-door, fun-to-hang-out-with glory of a girl who can't be contained by convention or formality. They bring joy to the week-weary toiler. Gladness to the spirit. Life to the lifeless!

Okay, maybe that's overstating things a little bit...

Happy Friday!


  1. I'm wearing sandals. I'm not about the bouncing on Fridays. It's a comfy, move slow, enjoy the weather, smell the flowers, think about anything that's not your "todo" list kind of day. Makes me feel Californian.

  2. Here comes another "when I was single" story:

    When I was single, my girlfriends and I went out to bars/clubs dressed to kill (not literally, but dressed to attract guys, anyway). Sometimes, we'd say, tonight, let's not make a fuss or any effort; let's wear jeans and T-shirts and sneakers and not care. Well, it was on those nights that we had the most fun, talked to the most guys, gave out the most phone numbers, etc.

    Who knew?

    Oh, Rebecca knows.

  3. Personally, I'm cultivating a new preppie chic look, with a light blue button-down, cropped jeans and sneaker oxford style shoes with no backs. Have a great weekend.

    And thanks for linking to JDaters Anonymous. I'm honored!
